Saturday, May 11, 2013

Antahkarana Reiki Grid

Antahkarana Healing Symbol

This healing symbol does not require an attunement. It is usually used in its printed form although some people do sign it our with the hand. Just by having it in your presence, it will enhance the healing power of any healing method. It will also improve meditation or any exercise designed to improve health, well-being or connection to the higher power. It is not a secret symbol. You can hang it on the wall in your healing room, place it image up under your healing table etc. It does not need to be seen by the healee in order for it to work. Some have laminated them to make them more durable. The small one can be laminated and placed in your shoes, or taped over a chakra or other body area to improve healing, or can be carried in the
pocket, purse or wallet etc. A more complete description is in the Reiki Master manual offer by the Center and it is taught in the Center Reiki master training.

The single Antahkaranas - male or female are used for focus, and becoming centered in the Higher Power.

Use the male if you need more assertive energy. Use the female if you need more compassionate energy.

The cross is also for this purpose and has a greater feeling of sacredness. It can also be used to heal the heart chakra. The multiple is used to clear blocks and congestion. After using the multiple, use the single as use of the multiple can sometimes cause disorientation and using the single will refocus ones energy. However, no harm can come from their use. You can use the paper form or you can have the image silk screened onto cotton, wool or silk. Black or dark purple or any dark color works best as the power of the symbol seems to come from the contrast. Place the image facing the person or area to be healed. Then place your hands on top and do Reiki. This will reduce the time one needs to heal and allow deeper issues to be healed.

I drew the single versions out by hand in 1990. They were then scanned into the computer.

I hope you enjoy the use of these healing symbols. May they fill you with joy and peace.

William Lee Rand


  1. Hi Jerri, thank you for your blog. I found it via Linkedin.

    I am currently studying Reiki3 master/teacher level, so I am still quite green. I have never heard of the Antahkarana Grid before and I would like to know more, especially as I am treating someone with a life threatening disease and presently we are both satisfied with the pain relief Reiki is providing her with, but if there was a possibility that knowledge and practice of the Antahkarana process can help her I would certainly love to start using it. If you could provide more information or point me in the right direction, I would be most grateful. Love and Light. Sarah

  2. In your Master training your reiki teacher should show you how to use these grids. I learned before I became a reiki master because I read about how to use them for a vision I saw of a plane crash and I wanted to change the outcome so I set a grid for the passengers to be safe and to make it to their destinations. I set the grid 7 hours before the plane was to take off and then let it go until it was no longer needed. You can go to to find a picture of the grid you can print then you will need to get a crystal(clear quartz) for the middle, the left side, and at each point as you can see in the picture. Then on a small piece of paper write the person's name, what the healing is for, and the distance symbol and place under the grid. Then hold the crystals in your hand for ten or fifteen minutes and charge them with Reiki. So get reiki going and ask it to go into the crystals. Once charged place crystals in their specific locations and you should have one in the middle, ones that are small, all around at each point and one on the upper right hand side. Then I beam reiki to the grid charging it even more and begin sending out reiki from grid to the person. If you leave this grid in a location where it will not be disturbed, it will stay charged and continue sending Reiki. Hope this helps

    1. I had two Reiki teachers, neither of them knew anything about this symbol. I've read over 55 books on Reiki (one of my life goals is to read every book out there on Reiki), only one or two mention it, so it is not a mainstream Reiki teaching. William Lee Rand of International Center for Reiki training does mention it (my Karuna training) though and you can get print outs of the symbol through his site also. I am working with it now. Just saying this because I don't want anyone to get the impression that their teacher is not doing their job because they don't introduce them to this symbol.

    2. Heart-Light Reiki- I am sorry that they did not know anything about the Antahkarana grid they should have. Please refer to your master training manual that you should have received during your Master Reiki training, go to page 3-15 and you will see the chapter on this healing symbol and it should have been taught in the classes. What this tells me is that your masters were not trained about this grid either and that would mean their master ignored the Master Class Outline on page 5-27 in the Master Training Manual. You are to teach this symbol during the Reiki Master class. My master did learn about the symbol in her class and so taught to us how to use it and about it. It saddens me that this is getting pushed aside. So with all that in mind and the written word from the manual developed by William Lee Rand and the fact that he made me prove that I knew about this symbol before allowing me to start teaching classes that it is mainstream Reiki Teachings when taught how William Lee Rand at the International Center for Reiki Training wants it to be taught. I just wanted to make sure that this was clear to everyone reading this blog. Thank you for sharing about your own concerns about this and sharing your opinion it is always appreciated.

  3. Hi Jerri. I just wanted to thank you for posting this information. I am a reiki 2 practitioner and hoping very soon to do my reiki master training. This information has come to me at a time when i feel it will be very useful for a number of clients I am currently working with. It is so nice to be able to make contact with people like you who are willing to openly share their experience. Thank you again. love and light. Bex

  4. Always glad to help others who want to help themselves and others. This grid is quite useful as you will find out in Master class for Reiki. I love to work with the grid especially for distance healings.
